To end off the year the capstone class once again ventured to the Titan Traverse. The classes original idea was that all we were going to be doing was coming down to Westminster’s intramural gym and climb the rock wall. Wow what a shock we were in for. It should of came as no surprise that the Traverse people had a lot more then that planned for us. Starting out we played a game that involves being able to communicate with a blindfolded partner to toss objects at other blindfolded people. I really did poorly at communicating with my partner because I could not stop laughing long enough.
Moving on we had a 40 yrd- dash seems simple enough, then they blindfolded us. The whole point was ‘how does one react when going into the unknown. Some just dove in and made it all the way without other problems, others not so much. Though incredibly comical to watch, and frightful to do, I think the message was somewhat lost.
Now for the real challenge, we had to cross an obstacle course of cinder blocks by using only planks of wood. We did not do to well. Once we started moving we worked all right with each other, but I think there was a lack of communication, and willingness to listen to each other to work efficiently. But with a bit of help we were able to get across the maze (after they gave us another piece of wood to help out).
We then proceeded to the climbing wall. Everybody made it up, and if someone fell they did not stop but just got back on the wall and climbed all the way to the top.
With wobbly limbs the group finished up and came together. The Traverse people discussed with us how ‘well we did,’ and that going into the world outside of college you just have to push threw, and any other saying you can think of that works. Personally I enjoy this kind of stuff, and I think it helps bring people together. But one more semester is done and I am ready to graduate.