This post was suppose to be last weeks, but do to the fact the Westminster College is on spring break, and the school fails to recognize that students are still doing work, everything is locked up and did not give me the ability to get online.
This week was “start from scratch week.” My original film script was not lifting off the ground at all. There was one road block after another, and I had to make a choice of cutting my losses and moving forward. Like I said before I did a great deal of pre planning and had a backup script with me.
I decided to keep my filming schedule and that gave me a week to do all of the preproduction. I dove head first into working on this script clawing away at it and trying to get all the preproduction done. Site location, talent, crew, story boars, music, the whole nine yards, and some how I managed to get it done.
The locations were a breeze. Every person that I talked to were more then willing to bend over backwards to help me out. The gave me the run of their stores and catered to any needs that I had. I cannot say how much of a stress relieve it was.
Music, my friend is a genius and after just giving him a basic rundown of the script he had an idea for music and already cut demos to most of the tracks.
Talent, well that was interesting. I don’t know how to piddle around this topic without giving the story away but let’s just say I had some very interesting phone calls with companies to try and borrow supplies.
Storyboards were worked out, shot and editing script, as well. I was just shocked of how well everything flowed together.
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