Life was picture perfect for John and Brittany Murphy, living in a quaint neighborhood, until the house next door was sold and a new neighbor moved in down the street. Brittany instantly takes a liking to him. John slowly grows suspicious of his wife’s faithfulness when he continuously walks in on Shane (the neighbor) and his wife in compromising situations. John wants his picture perfect life back, a time where he loved and trusted his wife, and will stop at nothing to regain this.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Progress

I will be the first to admit that I have slacked majorly on my broadcasting capstone this semester. Part of it is a play that I am takes up majority of my time, and when I get a second of free time I sit and do nothing. Another part is that I am drained from other school assignments. And I think a major part is my internship cuts into a huge chunk of my sleeping time. But the play will be over this coming up weekend, and my internship is now over.

But I have not been totally dragging on my BC capstone. I have been keeping up on my blogs. I finalized my script. I have talent and I’m racking my brain trying to put together a shooting schedule. Location scouting is almost done and majority of my sites are picked and locked in. For my final scene that needs police, and New Wilmington dept. said they are willing to help out.

I am excited about the talent that I have. Adam Rady graduated last year from Westminster College. He is a great actor and is committed to working with me. Adam and I have worked on a short film project together before so I am comfortable with working with him.

I also locked in some key crew positions. I have a sound engineer, Joe Husak, which is amazing. I am not worried at all about the audio quality, which is a key part of a film.

Travis Levers, is going to be my lighting tech. Travis has been running lights for over three years. It will be nice to have someone who knows what is going on so I do not have to worry about that.

But not everything is smooth sailing. I am an avid believer in using story boards for anything production wise. From my experience some times it’s easier to have a visual representation then trying to explain. I broke my finger the other day, and it’s a struggle to hold a pen or pencil or even a computer mouse, so I need to come up with a way to overcome this obstacle. (I’m open to any and all suggestions)

Overall I made a lot of headway in the last 2 weeks with my project. It took a lot of stress out of my life for a tiny bit ( that will be returning as I start filming). I have a solid idea of what is going on and don’t feel rushed, somehow.

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

What did George Peppard's character say on The A-Team?

"I love it when a plan comes together."