Life was picture perfect for John and Brittany Murphy, living in a quaint neighborhood, until the house next door was sold and a new neighbor moved in down the street. Brittany instantly takes a liking to him. John slowly grows suspicious of his wife’s faithfulness when he continuously walks in on Shane (the neighbor) and his wife in compromising situations. John wants his picture perfect life back, a time where he loved and trusted his wife, and will stop at nothing to regain this.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Showing my project

The issue of presenting my capstone is beginning to become a bear. For my capstone I have applied for a grand from the school so that I will have a small budget to work with. If I am awarded this grant I have to present my project at the Undergrad Research Symposium. Not a big deal because I have to present my capstone in some fashion, and I have to be at the URS for a grant that I was given to participate at a theatre competition. The issue becomes that I am signed up for the Art Show to present and début my film. That is a few weeks after the URS. I am not worried about time (in the sense of rushing to finish my film), more that I made a commitment to the art department, and a peer of mine (who will also be débuting her documentary the same day).

My question is how involved does my part of the URS have to be for me to fulfill my requirements to them if I am awarded grant money. Is a poster with pictures, text about the research, and a trailer feasible? Or will I have to show my film? Or because I am showing it at the art show do I need to present anything for the URS?

These questions are hanging over my head and quite frankly stressing me out. The first thing I need to find out is if my application has even been approved. Overall my film is starting to take shape, script is in order. I began to round up talent (which is a lesion for another blog). But I feel confident in this.

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

How's your movie poster progressing?